Thursday, June 29, 2006

NYT – Madonna

Brilhante texto no NYT de hoje sobre a Madonna, a festa e a pós-festa.

"When pop stars sing about clubs, they're often singing about leaving them: the whole reason you go is to find someone to leave with. But there's not much that's flirtatious or suggestive about "Hung Up." It sounds, on the contrary, like the work of someone who's realized that there is no after-party: the party is all there is, and what happens on the dance floor isn't a means to a end -- it's the end. You don't go there to leave, or to somehow transcend it; you go there to stay as long as you can. Maybe it takes a 47-year-old pop star to figure that out."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fantástico, de facto
pena já termos enjoado a música
47 anos???

12:54 AM  
Blogger Sofia Melo said...

Madonna, essa grande doida, vai tentando manter-se na mó de cima. e apesar da falta de algum talento, vai conseguindo. aí, louvo-lhe o esforço.
e para 47 anos, sim senhora, está muito bem...

9:56 AM  

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