Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Inside Agitator

Excelente artigo no New York Times sobre o estado da esquerda americana, a organização de um partido político nos tempos de Internet e o fenómeno Howard Dean. É um artigo longo, mas muito elucidativo. Fica um cheirinho:

"Howard Dean has been credited with inciting an Internet-driven rebellion against his own party, but, in fact, he was more the accidental vehicle of a movement that was already emerging. The rise of, blogs and “meet-ups” was powered to some extent by the young, tech-savvy activists on both coasts who were so closely associated in the public mind with Dean’s campaign. But the fast-growing Internet community was also a phenomenon of liberal enclaves in more conservative states, where disenchanted Democrats, mostly baby boomers, had long felt outnumbered and abandoned. Meet-ups for Dean drew overflow crowds in Austin, Tex., and Birmingham, Ala.; what the Web did was to connect disparate groups of Democratic voters who didn’t live in targeted states and who had watched helplessly as Republicans overran their communities. These Democrats opposed the war in Iraq, but they were also against a party that seemed to care more about big donors and swing states than it did about them. Attracted to Dean’s fiery defiance of the Washington establishment, these voters adopted him as their cause before he had ever heard of a blog."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

MM--They are against, when they are not in the power side because when they are
everything changes

7:08 PM  

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